Travis Brown
M.E. Brown Air Conditioning
Well-Established Small Business Stays In Touch
“If I were to recommend OutboundEngine to my best friend, I’d just tell them it’s a great way to keep all your customers in touch with you and your business.”
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Not many small businesses can say they’ve been in business for 10 years, nevermind more than 30, but Travis Brown and his team at M.E. Brown Air Conditioning can. With 36 years in the heating and cooling business, they’ve built up a huge customer base — not surprising in a hot and humid place like southeastern Texas! And while Travis loves many aspects of running a small business, like being his own boss, he didn’t love having to solve the issue of manually keeping in touch with all of those customers.
Travis and M.E. Brown Air Conditioning needed a way to stay top of mind with their customer base, while also providing relevant and informative content. Travis didn’t have any time or interest in learning to be a digital marketing expert, so they signed on with OutboundEngine. This partnership has allowed them to get in front of their extensive contact list throughout the year, with multiple touches on relevant channels, like email and on social media. Staying in touch not just after a transaction but on a regular basis is especially important in an industry where customers might not need services often, but likely will at some point during the year.
In their years working with OutboundEngine, M.E. Brown Air Conditioning has continued to expand its customer base. This means it’s even more important for Travis and the team to have their digital marketing done for them, so they don’t miss out on any potential business. Travis has seen the marketing activity lead to conversations — when his customers thank him for the information, schedule appointments through campaigns, and to keep M.E. Brown’s name and information at the top of their customers’ inboxes. As any homeowner knows, when you need your trusted heating and cooling company’s info, you don’t want to waste any time on getting in touch with them!
- Joined the family business in 2007
- NATE Service and Installation Certified
- Consistently receives 5 Star Reviews
- In business for 36 years
- Provides HVAC service to the northeast Houston area
- Family-run company
Bottom line
Travis Brown is too busy running a successful heating and cooling business to also handle the digital marketing work necessary to stay in touch with his many long-term customers. OutboundEngine keeps M.E. Brown Air Conditioning top of mind so when customers need their services, they don’t have to search their brain or inbox!
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