Harrison Doezema
Carolina One
New Realtor Keeps In Touch With Growing Contact Base
“Top-of-mind marketing won’t change your business overnight. But when you do the legwork too, OutboundEngine more than pays for itself.”
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Harrison Doezema wasn’t sure what business he wanted to go into when he first arrived in Charleston, South Carolina. However, after realizing the value of a home as a life-changing investment, he decided real estate was the industry for him. He was ready to put in the legwork, but because Harrison was new to both the town and real estate, he had to grow his sphere of influence and develop new relationships.
While it was challenging starting out, he knew he didn’t want to rely on cold calling or buying leads— he was looking to grow organically. Harrison put in the hours both in and out of the office and steadily grew his contact list. He quickly realized he didn’t have a way to keep track of and nurture his growing database. “I needed to keep in contact with my book of business consistently, but I didn’t have the time or interest in creating content myself,” says Harrison.
Harrison knew that the industry standard was to buy leads, but he couldn’t guarantee the quality of those and knew he would be outbid by more established agents who could afford to pay more. A mentor in his office recommended OutboundEngine. After learning more about top-of-mind marketing and seeing the content, Harrison decided it was the best solution for him to continue nurturing his new book of business.
Since partnering with OutboundEngine, Harrison feels confident saying he’s achieved his goal of “becoming the expert and being the name that comes to his clients’ minds” when they think of a real estate agent. He knows that top-of-mind marketing isn’t a silver bullet and that he still has to put in the effort to follow up with customers when they reach out to him. However, he’s seen the results. In 2019, Harrison had 5 OutboundEngine related transactions. “Top-of-mind marketing won’t change your business overnight. But when you do the legwork too, OutboundEngine more than pays for itself.”
- Became a real estate agent in late 2018
- Based on Sullivans Island, South Carolina
- Serves the greater Charleston area
- Over 50 years experience
- Participates in one of every three homes sold in Charleston
- 12 offices and 900 sales associates
Bottom line
As a new agent, Harrison Doezema needed a solution to consistently stay in touch with his growing book of business. OutboundEngine has done just that, leading to new transactions and setting up more opportunities for the future.
Ready to make your network work for you? Get a live demo with one of our marketing experts now.