From simple to sophisticated, the top 5 real estate Facebook tips are not all intuitive. For a real estate professional, it can be challenging to constantly engage your Facebook audience. As the pace of social media increases, people’s time and attention are stretched thin. The more engaging your Facebook page is, the more exposure and visibility your page will have in the news feed. Here are a few tips on how to engage your Facebook audience in a way that keeps them reading (and liking) your posts.
Update Your ‘About’ Page
Most of us filled out our profile years ago and haven’t thought about it since. When people find outdated or inaccurate information on your page, it makes a poor impression. It is important to revisit your personal information so that it reflects recent interests, affiliations and contact information. Put it on your calendar and check it every couple months to make sure all your personal information is up to date.
Post About Timely Events
Posting about an event that interests everyone is a great way to engage your audience. For example, if you’re going to an industry conference, you can let everyone know about it and then post images to keep your fans updated.
Engage With Comments
If someone leaves a comment on your page, being quick to reply or answer a question is a great way to engage your Facebook community. You can easily respond to comments with another comment or a like. This lets the audience know you appreciate their presence and that you are paying attention to them. Nothing is worse than coming up with a clever question, posting it for everyone to see and then having the original poster ignore you!
Use Simple Surveys Or Quizzes
Coming up with a survey or quiz that inspires your audience to participate can be a useful and fun way to engage. For example, create a survey asking clients what their dream renovation would be with five options. Creating an informative survey can get people to engage and see what other clients are interested in. It can also give you more ideas for topics to address in future posts.
Facebook Insights
Facebook offers a great service called Insights that provides feedback and statistics about individual posts. Some of the stats collected include: New Page Likes, People Engaged (people discussing your post), @tags of your page and Page Check-ins, among others. By using this data, you have more information about how far your posts are reaching and you can tailor future posts accordingly.
Even though every business has a Facebook page, very few utilize its full potential. By following these real estate Facebook tips, you can continually engage your audience, prompt their participation, and make sure you have the attention of your most valuable clients. And if you need any help setting up your Facebook Business Page for the first time, we have a self-guided tutorial and video to walk you through the process.
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