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Top 10 Customer Retention Presentations on SlideShare

Travis Balinas
September 19, 2018
customer retention presentations

Customer retention should be near and dear to any business owner’s heart—and marketing plan. First of all, it’s 6–7 times more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to retain an existing one. Therefore, it’s worth your time to investigate the best way to hold onto your most important business driver: your customers. We’ve compiled the 10 best SlideShare customer retention presentations that discuss retention strategies, opportunities, statistics and more.

1. Customer Retention: Why Your Dog Would Make More Money Than You

Besides being the most adorable of the SlideShare customer retention presentations on this list, this is a great overview. This presentation parallels the loyalty your dog shows to you with the loyalty that you want your customers to show to your business. More importantly, it shows how to go about inspiring loyalty too.

While this is a super cute slide, it also drives an important point to apply to business; invest time and attention and you’ll see increased trust and loyalty.

customer retention presentations

2. Customer Satisfaction vs. Customer Retention

Plenty of business owners are familiar with these terms. However, the number of definitions of satisfaction vs retention can cause some confusion. We added this to the list of customer retention presentations because it does an excellent job of highlighting how a business can have a satisfied customer, but not be able to retain them. The inverse of this is also true and can (and should) be addressed.

We like this advice on how to improve customer service. Being responsive instead of reactive can make all the difference.

customer retention presentations

3. Vision 2014: Profitability-Driven Customer Retention

Experian created this presentation from the perspective of banks and loan officers who want to retain more business. They want to help businesses understand their at-risk customers better, how to determine their profitability, and what retention strategy to take based on customers’ behaviors.

This is a favorite slide on the costs associated with retaining customers:

customer retention presentations

4. 50 Facts That Will Make Businesses Rethink Their Customer Service

Salesforce packed this deck full of stats about customer retention. One of the most compelling stats was that an increase in customer retention of just 5% increases profits by up to 125%.

Stats like this are great in visual form and make an impact in presentations or pitches.

customer retention presentations

5. 10 Staggering Statistics on Customer Loyalty and Retention

For all the naysayers out there who still aren’t convinced that customer retention will have a huge impact on their revenue, this SlideShare presentation is for you.

Here’s a slide we pulled on selling to an existing customer vs a new customer. It makes sense that a customer who knows you, trusts you, and likes you will be more willing to spend money with you.

customer retention presentations

6. What Is a Customer Worth? Understanding Customer Lifetime Value

Stats from other businesses might be a compelling enough reason for you to invest in customer retention marketing, but it’s good to see it for yourself. This presentation walks you through the process of calculating how much each of your customers is worth. It also covers how to properly segment your customers so you know how to engage them after a transaction.

We chose this slide to illustrate the value of long-term relationships over single transactions.

customer retention presentations

7. A Better Approach to Customer Retention

This presentation does a great job of highlighting successful strategies that you can take to improve customer retention in your business. It’s particularly helpful because each strategy includes action items to get you started.

This is a favorite slide with important questions to ask yourself about your content. Remember, no one wants to be sold to 24/7.

customer retention presentations

8. Customer Retention Strategies

It’s important that you have a strategy in mind before you embark on your customer retention plan. However, if you don’t have any idea where to start, it’s good to familiarize yourself with some proven approaches.

We like this slide on the foundation of customer retention because it doesn’t happen overnight, but it’s worth the work.

customer retention presentations

9. Marketing Automation—Beyond Customer Acquisition

This presentation focuses on the fact that customer retention marketing activities don’t look all that different from customer acquisition activities. The main difference is that, with retention, you already have an audience that’s ready and willing to listen to you.

customer retention presentations

10. Prioritizing Customer Acquisition, Retention and Development Efforts in Blue vs. Red Ocean Markets

This single slide speaks volumes about where the emphasis should be placed on customer retention. Simply put, if you’re in an industry with fierce competition, you should spend 80% of your energy on customer retention and only 20% customer acquisition.


Turn these customer retention presentations into strategy

In conclusion, the best approach to customer retention is a long-term engagement strategy. Maintaining a relationship with customers is necessary to increase retention. When you have strong relationships with your customers, you’ll see business growth from their referrals. At OutboundEngine we use multiple, non-intrusive touches through email and social media meant to help, not sell.

In addition to the customer retention presentations above, we also have our free ebook below, “From Lead to Loyalty.” Download this guide to learn how to turn cold leads into long-lasting relationships. Strong, long-term relationships will have a positive effect on your business.

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Last Updated February 2019.

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