Small business email marketing works. We know that it does. It's the most direct way to stay in touch with your current and potential customers and tracking your ROI is extremely simple. However, figuring out exactly where to get started can be somewhat challenging....
Take your marketing to the next level
Email Marketing Pitfalls and Power Words (No, You Can’t Use the Word “FREE”)
A lot of you might be aware of the email marketing pitfalls that are around every corner. One of the words that you'd like people would like to see is "FREE" in all caps, but more often than not, that'll put you into the spam folder. When doing a bit of research on...
Fall in Love with Email Marketing All Over Again
Email marketing has been around since the early ‘90s, and for years it's been one of the “must have” components in any successful digital marketing strategy. Email marketing may not be the new “hot” marketing tool, but don’t take its effectiveness for granted. Don’t...
3 Ways to Increase Customer Retention Through Email Marketing
Your clients are your most valuable assets, but many small business (SMB) owners do a poor job of customer retention, specifically through email marketing. They rely too much on the phone to ring or focus on one event/strategy (like a holiday card) to keep those...
Customer Nurturing vs. Lead Generation: Do You Have the Right Focus?
A lot of professionals are worried about spending too much time with customer nurturing as opposed to lead generation, especially on social media channels. However, if the majority of your business comes from referrals, are you wasting your time on social media...
How to Calculate Customer Worth for Promotional Products Distributors
Whether it’s getting a new client or keeping an old one, how do you calculate customer worth? In the world of “best practices” and professional marketers, they call it lifetime value (LTV). Listen up, Promotional Products Distributors, I'm going to walk you through...
Watch Your Small Business Productivity Soar With These 5 Tips
Small business productivity is significantly dependent on how best you can approach prioritization and time management. That, and staying focused is tough sometimes. It takes time, research, motivation, and a plan. And if you’re like the rest of us, sometimes, getting...
8 Tips on How to Build an Email List for Your Small Business
Email marketing is an elegant, simple solution for your small business, but learning how to build an email list can be challenging at first. Don't let the task of compiling an email contact list stop you from taking full advantage of the benefits that this marketing...
12 Reasons an Email Marketing Strategy Benefits Small Businesses
What's your email marketing strategy for keeping in touch with your customers? You know, stay top of mind and nurture those relationships you worked so hard to get in the first place. If your answer doesn't include "at least once a month I..." you're ignoring your...
5 Ways On How To Keep Up With Social Media
Ever wonder how to keep up with social media and the changes that seem to happen overnight? We’ve all done it. You wake up, check your Facebook and realize that everything has changed! The new landscape is confusing and you do not know where to start trying to...
Words & Phrases That Label You As Email Marketing Junk Mail
There's a chance that you've been pegged as sending email marketing junk mail, even if you have the best of intentions with your communications. Email marketing, while no easy task, is a necessity to stay in touch with our business colleagues, our ever-growing list of...
What Have You Done For Me Lately? Why Good Customer Engagement Builds Relationships
Aside from being an awesome Janet Jackson song of the late ‘80s, “What have you done for me lately?” may be what your customers are asking when they see yet another "industry statistics" newsletter in their email. Good customer engagement helps to build and strengthen...
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