It's an unpredictable time for small businesses, no matter your industry. Business owners are looking for creative ways to generate more sales, but often they focus too much energy on finding new prospects and not enough on retaining and activating their past...
Take your marketing to the next level
Marketing Power Words That Make People Take Action
Even though we read them, speak them and hear them almost non-stop, words are often an underrated component of a small business marketing plan. When used strategically, the right marketing power words cause people to take action. They click, open, buy and generate...
Four Expert Tips on Writing Engaging Content
Have you ever heard the phrase “everyone’s a writer”? It’s not far from the truth. Technically, anyone can write something. The question is, do you know how to write something great? If you feel unsure about that last question, you’ve come to the right place. At...
10 Reasons You’re Losing Followers on Social Media
When you started building your business social pages, you likely had a number of goals in mind. Maybe you wanted to increase brand awareness, earn referrals or convert sales. But one thing you definitely didn't hope for was losing followers on social media. It's...
How to Get More Followers (Without Begging)
Not that long ago, having a social media presence wasn't a must because not everyone used social media. However, over the past decade, the percentage of American adults on social media grew from 26 in 2009 to 72 percent in 2021! We're talking basically 3 out of 4...
The Power of Online Word-of-Mouth Referrals (How to Get and Handle Them)
Online referrals are just like traditional word-of-mouth referrals, only better. For years, we’ve asked questions like these to our friends, family and coworkers: My car needs repairs. Do you have a mechanic you trust? Did you like your realtor, and would you mind...
The 5 Biggest Email Marketing Mistakes
During our many years of experience helping thousands of clients grow their business and name recognition, we've also seen more than a few businesses making the same mistakes. Here are a few of the biggest email marketing mistakes businesses should avoid. 1. Not...
5 Awesome Productivity Apps to Streamline Your Day
What would you do with a few extra hours per week? Everyone’s business is different, but we all deal with similar daily annoyances—forgetting passwords, dealing with repetitive tasks, losing track of time. That can add up to a lot of wasted hours better spent doing...
Customer Spotlight: Cyndi Alvarez
Cyndi Alvarez wants to make the home buying process as painless as possible. As a homeowner myself, I think we can all agree the process isn't always easy. She is known as the "Pay It Forward Realtor." Her mission started when she saw firsthand how difficult it can be...
10 Simple Steps: How to Get Online Reviews for Your Business
We’ve mentioned before that 85 percent of small businesses say that word-of-mouth referrals are the No. 1 way new prospects find out about them, which is great for business. However, even when someone tells their friend about your business, the next thing they do is...
How to Set-Up a Small Business Facebook Page
If you’re a small business owner, you realize the importance of having a presence online (in fact, that’s probably why you’re reading this article). While maintaining profiles on sites like Yelp and Google My Business is essential for collecting online testimonials,...
4 Types of Referrals to Benefit Your Business
In business, your reputation is everything. If your customers don't trust you, they won't return. They definitely won't recommend you to friends and family. One way to bolster your reputation is by taking advantage of various types of referrals—word-of-mouth, online...
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