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How to Make the Perfect Salon Email Newsletter [5 Steps]

Travis Balinas
August 6, 2014

Sending out a salon email newsletter is a great way to stay in touch with your clients. That occasional email into your clients’ inboxes is enough to keep them thinking about you in between appointments. And when done right, that email will be something they look forward to reading. Whether you’ve been sending email newsletters for a while or you’re looking to get started, you should always set yourself up for success.

One of the hardest things to do with an email newsletter is to stand out from the rest of the inbox. You need to build up your inbox credibility with your clients so that when you do send an email, they are eager to open it. Having a catchy subject line helps too, but if the content is bland, they’ll be less inclined to open in the future. When they do open the email, the visuals have to be stunning and it has to work on all desktop and mobile devices.

In short, your salon email newsletters have to be written to help, not sell, and be professional and polished to reflect the level of quality your business delivers. Here are the 5 things to include for the perfect salon email newsletter.

1) Good Content Marketing

Content marketing is a way of communicating with your clients without trying to sell to them. You need content that is engaging, entertaining, helpful and informative. A good way to describe this style of content would be something topically adjacent to your industry but not directly about you or your business. This is the kind of content that makes you pick up a magazine at a checkout or get caught up reading BuzzFeed articles.

In addition to getting people to read your email newsletters, content marketing will help your business in two ways. First, it helps you retain your clients by keeping your name in front of them. Second, it brands you as a trusted resource and as an intelligent beauty professional.

Below is an example of good content marketing from an email newsletter we sent out for our salon clients.

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2) Strong Subject Lines

Think of your salon email newsletters like the cover of fashion magazines at the grocery store checkout. Those 6-word article snippets have a magical way of grabbing your attention and motivating you to pick up the magazine. The same concept applies to email marketing. You have a split second to capture someone’s attention in their inbox, which is why your subject line is so important.

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3) Visually Appealing

You’re in an industry that prides itself of aesthetics. This level of quality needs to be evident across everything you do, including your email newsletters. From the moment someone reads the email subject line and clicks to open, the graphics should match the content and capture the attention of your clients through stunning visuals.

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4) Contact Information

Even though your newsletter will come from your email address (or at least they should), your clients still need an easy way to get in touch with you. Make it easy for them to contact you without creating an elaborate email signature. Those are cumbersome, visually clunky and annoying.

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5) Calls to Action

With the focus of your salon email newsletter on helping instead of selling, you can still include subtle ways to help your clients do business with you. Having clearly defined calls to action in your emails will make it incredibly simple for your readers to get in touch with you when they’re ready.

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Putting It All Together

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Your newsletters might contain a few of these things already, but it’s important to make them a regular part of your email campaigns. Keeping up with good content creation and a regular email schedule can be tough, but the outcome helps keep you top of mind with the clients who matter most to you.

Whether you’re doing your own email newsletters or having them done for you, make sure they include everything on this checklist to get you the best results.


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