Loan officer social media initiatives are the perfect way to make your business conversational, approachable, and also help generate greater visibility. Because new loans can come from different types of sources (real estate agents, friends, financial planners, etc.),...
Take your marketing to the next level
Facebook for Loan Officers: 5 Cover Image Tricks to Drive Leads
One of the most overlooked things about Facebook for loan officers is the cover photo. Yes, that photo at the top of your business page that acts as a background image for your brand. It’s so important, especially because of the impact it has on your news feed...
Email Marketing for Loan Officers – Get More Loans with These Tips
Though it can be a challenge, great email marketing for loan officers is essential to the creation of new loans. Some do it better than others but the reality is that it can be time-consuming, expensive and frustrating when it isn’t effective. What are the keys to...
Importance of Mobile Optimized Websites for Loan Originators
Mobile Optimized websites for loan originators are no longer something to consider doing or that would be nice to have. Having a mobile optimized or responsively designed website is now something that every loan officer and mortgage professional should have in 2014....
Why Email Works Better than PPC for Loan Originator Marketing
Talking about loan originator marketing plans for this year with mortgage professionals, I’ve noticed that a lot have tried pay per click (PPC) advertising (Adwords, Bing Ads, etc.) to generate new leads before trying email marketing and nurturing their existing...
The Top Loan Officer Marketing Blog Posts for 2014
Loan Officer marketing blogs from 2013 were some of the most visited pages on our site. So much so that we felt it necessary to put together the greatest hits list of all of these posts. From social media and email marketing to content marketing strategies, mortgage...
6 Reasons Why Loan Officer Email Marketing Works
There might be some skeptics out there that say loan officer email marketing is either a waste of time or simply not effective. These are all valid reasons and trust me, if you're not doing your email marketing correctly, then it might be an ineffective solution from...
5 Marketing Ideas for Mortgage Lenders in 2014
Marketing ideas for mortgage lenders tend to be either overused, too complicated, or just not worth the time or money to do them right. Following suit with a post I wrote last week titled 7 Marketing Ideas for Real Estate Agents, I got off on a tangent for mortgage...
Social Media for Loan Officers: Guide to Getting Started
Why is it that using social media for loan officers don't have enough time in the day? Do they not fully understand the value of it all? Are they filled with questions about how to use social media? Or is there just not enough information out there to help them get...
Loan Originator Marketing Ideas Using Social Media & Email
Loan originator marketing ideas are meant to increase referral and repeat business. Any originator looking to do this effectively should definitely be using email and social media marketing to strengthen relationships with past clients. Especially in the mortgage...
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