School may be out, but our small business email marketing class is in session! Today we’re focusing on eliminating the annoying email habits that can turn your campaign into a nuisance, or worse, get your accounts suspended altogether. Here are seven tips that will...
Take your marketing to the next level
5 Tips for Staying On Trend With Social Media
If there’s one thing you can say about social media, it’s never boring! Trying to stay on trend can sometimes feel impossible. Think about the changes we’ve witnessed over the past few years. Facebook acquired Instagram; Microsoft acquired LinkedIn. Promoted posts and...
How One Mortgage Company Is Changing the Conversation and Giving Back
Yoga Wednesdays, community service projects, and Cinco de Mayo celebrations aren’t typically things that come to mind when thinking about the mortgage industry. But Radius Financial Group is changing the game, and these are just a few of the innovative ideas that are...
Online Marketing Doesn’t Take a Summer Vacation, But You Can
There’s no such thing as a summer vacation for small business owners. Even when you’re actually on vacation, certain aspects of your business have to continue in your absence. Online marketing is a prime example. Let’s look at how you can handle these five marketing...
Curl up With a Good Book and Improve Your Small Business
Attention, small business owners! Whether you’re an up-and-comer or an old dog in search of new tricks, cracking a book is often the first step on the road to newfound success. Here are five books every entrepreneur should read in 2016. 1. Stand Out by Dorie Clark In...
The Best LinkedIn Groups for Mortgage Loan Officers
As a mortgage loan officer, you understand the power of networking to find new business. You might attend real estate agent meetings, visit open houses or host lunch-and-learns to engage with home buyers. These are all great ways to build your pipeline. But are you...
Turn Business Cards Into Opportunities With OutboundEngine
This is a story about a box full of business cards and how those cards (pictured below) went from collecting dust to generating leads for one OutboundEngine customer. There’s little we won’t do to put a smile on a customer’s face. Our Customer Success team is beyond...
6 Marketing Ideas for Loan Officers to Use in 2016
See our updated post on Marketing Ideas for Mortgage Loan Officers for 2018 here. Are you searching for a great list of marketing ideas for loan officers? With 2016 fast approaching, we’ve studied the latest trends and put together a one-stop shop of marketing ideas...
How to Gain and Retain Clients – Content Marketing for Loan Officers
How well do you stand out from the crowd of loan officers? What are you doing to nurture your professional relationships? Your relationships are an extremely valuable asset, and as you build them you strengthen your brand -- one of the most important factors in...
5 Simple Lead-Boosting Marketing Ideas for Loan Officers
See our updated post on Marketing Ideas for Mortgage Loan Officers for 2018 here. With 2015 only a few months away, now is the perfect time for loan officers to start planning marketing ideas and strategies for next year. There are a few simple ways to increase the...
Loan Officers: 5 Email Marketing Metrics That Make or Break Your Business
Good marketing for a loan officer takes a lot of time to perfect, and measuring email marketing metrics can mean the difference between having a great year or a not-so-great year. You have to have a continuous vested interest in it to see a return on your marketing...
Easy Refis Are Done – How to Grow Your Purchase Loan Business
You know how it goes: when interest rates go up, refinance business tends to go down. As interest rates sank to an all-time low after the 2008 housing crisis, more and more of your business came from people trying to save money and cut interest payments with a...
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