Do you know how to interpret your email marketing results? If not, you’re not alone. Forty-nine percent of small business owners say they aren’t sure where to start when interpreting marketing data, and another 40 percent say they don’t have enough time. But taking...
Take your marketing to the next level
Are Business Cards Still Relevant in 2017?
Are business cards still relevant in 2017? It depends on whom you ask. Some say business cards are no longer necessary, thanks to a variety of digital alternatives. But if exchanging information digitally is so easy, why are we still hanging on to these little pieces...
Loan Officers: 9 Signs You Should Call That Client
These days, communicating with clients is easy for mortgage loan officers. You can fire off an email, send a text message or leave a quick comment on any number of social media platforms, all from the comfort of your mobile phone. But did you know that your phone can...
Get Personal With Your Email Marketing (5 Tips)
These days, personalization isn’t an option, it’s a marketing necessity. If your email content isn’t tailored to the wants, needs, and interests of your audience, you’re going to get lost in the shuffle. Bonus Content: Get a copy of our Marketing Survival Kit. Get...
The 2017 Mortgage Marketing Benchmarks Report Is Here (New Report)
“How can I stay relevant to past clients to drive referrals and repeat business?” That’s a question successful loan officers ask themselves on a regular basis. Top-notch customer service, industry knowledge, and excellent communication skills — many factors...
7 Ways Live Chat Benefits Your Business
Consumers rule the digital landscape these days. They do their own research and often prefer self-service. But eventually, even the savviest online customer will have a question. What then? Let’s face it, most FAQs don’t answer the true make-or-break questions, and...
5 Most Engaging Email Subject Lines for Mortgage Loan Officers
There's a symbiotic relationship between email subject lines, open rates, and increased sales. Email opens are key to gaining more business and carefully crafted subject lines are essential for better email open rates. But many loan officers don't give this much...
2017 Social Media Guide – For Small Business
Looking to do more business in the upcoming year? Then let this social media guide be your starting point. Joining social media networks has never been the challenge; finding the right direction to take once you’re there is where many business owners get hung up. Let...
How Email Marketing Sets Loan Officers Up for Long-Term Success
The most important element to continued success for loan officers is the ability to build long-term relationships with clients. This is known as lead nurturing. Lead nurturing is a basic effort to maximize the potential returns for each lead. And among the most...
How to Handle Negative Reviews and Keep the Online Bullies at Bay
If you own a business, online reviews come with the territory. What’s unfortunate is that no matter how well you handle your business, some of those reviews are going to be negative. And if you thought the bullies were bad back in high school, you haven’t seen...
If You’re Marketing Like It’s 1999, You Need to Get With the Times
For kids of the 90s, the fashion, music and pop culture references of that time period can inspire feelings of nostalgia. But not everything that was cool in the 90s plays so well in 2016, especially when you’re talking about small business marketing strategies. Bonus...
Loan Officers, Is It Time to Shake up Your Social Media Looks?
It’s back-to-school time, and every kid wants to look his best while becoming a social butterfly. You should want the same thing for your mortgage business, which means it’s time to update your social media looks. Let’s cover a few ways you can refresh your online...
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