Your reputation is crucial to your business, and that includes how you present yourself online. This goes beyond your website or the content you are posting to your social media networks. Your online reputation starts with people and search engines being able to find...
Take your marketing to the next level
Why Investing in a CRM Helps Small Businesses
Ever found yourself digging through a stack of business cards or scrolling through old emails to find the client information you need? You could save a lot of time and headache by investing in a CRM. A CRM helps small businesses perform tasks as basic as storing...
Should You Buy Leads? Try These Strategies First.
For some small business owners, buying leads sounds like a good idea. At first glance, it seems to be a shortcut to more business -- after all, you're constantly struggling to get your brand in front of more people, so why not take the most direct route? But all too...
Everything Real Estate Agents Should Know About Virtual Tour Software
Here's a word problem for real estate agents in 2020. John is selling the Smiths’ home to the Robertsons. Due to a novel coronavirus, the Smith family must shelter in place. If the Smiths cannot leave their house, and the state is mandating all people must keep 6 feet...
How to Thrive In Any Market: A 5-Point Plan for Small Businesses
No one knows what the future holds. In every industry, small businesses are facing uncertainty and upheaval. You likely can’t do business the same way you did a month ago. You might be worried about your income, and maybe even about your business making it through....
Preparing for the Surge
Imagine that you are on a beach vacation with your family (Pre-COVID of course). It's been a beautiful day, with plenty of cool drinks, warm sun, and not enough sunscreen. All of the sudden, the water quickly recedes from the shore. You look up, curious. Where there...
New Year’s Resolutions for Business Owners in 2020
The new year is the perfect time to take stock and set goals for the year ahead. You may have plans to improve your health, exercise more frequently, or finally take that trip to Hawaii you've been dreaming about forever. For business owners, making new year's...
Power Your Marketing Automation With These 4 Tips
When a business owner watches a long-time customer take their business to a competitor, it hurts. When it happens repeatedly, it not only damages the ego but the bottom line. Around this time a business owner begins to wonder what they could be doing to keep this from...
Why DIY Marketing Isn’t the Best Approach for Businesses [12 Pitfalls]
Email and social media marketing keep your message in front of past clients and help generate repeat business and referral leads. That’s huge! So why is it that when the budget gets tight, many business owners want to skimp on something so essential to maintaining...
Small Business Marketing Ideas & Tips for SMB Business Owners
It's always a good time for business owners to think about the most effective small business marketing ideas. Maybe your messages don't seem to be landing as they have in the past. Or it could be that business seems to be stagnant. Whether you've been in business for...
5 Marketing Ideas for Auto Repair Shops to Increase Word of Mouth
The best marketing ideas for auto repair shops are the ones that increase your referral business through word of mouth. You can spend money on TV ads, SEO and PPC campaigns, and even direct mail, but investing a small fortune on marketing channels that don’t grow your...
7 Awesome Time-Saving Apps for Busy Real Estate Agents
Busy real estate agents spend a lot of time on the go. Driving to client meetings, holding open houses, attending closings and more take up a lot of your time. To that end, countless apps exist to help make the most of every hour in the day. We've narrowed down the...
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