Coming up with brilliant real estate email ideas is simple, right? Sit down to write an email or newsletter and stellar ideas just come pouring out. Wrong! Coming up with two good email ideas to send your contact list is time consuming. But fret not; I’ve got 10 real...
Take your marketing to the next level
Picking the Right Colors to Increase Email Marketing Conversions
Ways to increase email marketing conversions depend on a number of factors, and color plays a bigger role than you might think. When designing the emails you send to your clients, your goal is to get them to engage with you in some way. Whether you’re sending them a...
5 Insider Email Marketing Predictions for 2015
Email marketing is by no means in its infancy. Email is over 40 years old, so by now there shouldn’t be too many surprises. However, while the platform itself has remained relatively unchanged over time, there are always new features and trends that have the potential...
Top 10 Most Frequently Asked Email Marketing Questions and Answers
Having sent over 500 million emails on behalf of our clients, people looking to grow their businesses frequently turn to us for email marketing questions and answers. We’ve compiled 10 of the most frequently asked email marketing questions and answers in a single list...
3 Risky Email Marketing Techniques That Could Actually Increase Engagement
When it comes to taking risks with your marketing, it’s all about finding a happy medium. While there are certainly plenty of tried-and-true techniques for optimizing your email and social media marketing, sometimes shaking things up a bit can pay off. Unless you’re...
9 Simple Email Hacks to Increase Open Rates
Figuring out email hacks to help increase open rates has turned into an art form over the years. No matter how strong your relationship is with the recipient, every time you send an email, you’re fighting for precious inbox attention. In order to give your message the...
Building Inbox Credibility: How to Get into Inboxes (and Stay There)
There are several factors and metrics that go into building up your inbox credibility, and they are continually changing. In short, if you cannot successfully land your email marketing content in someone’s inbox, then there is no point in sending it. What Is Inbox...
How to Get High Email Deliverability: 8 Email Marketing Success Metrics
Using email marketing for your business is only as successful as your deliverability rate. If you cannot send emails and land them in someone’s inbox, then there’s really no point in sending them at all. However, to get the most out of email marketing, you need to...
What Are Email Spam Reports, and Why Do They Matter?
Nobody likes getting junk mail, aka, spam emails. They’re unsolicited, unwanted, trash and often a scam. That’s why email providers work hard to keep those annoying emails out of your inbox and most likely undelivered. But as any good email marketer knows, being...
Understanding the Importance of Unsubscribes in Email Marketing
As far as email marketing metrics go, email unsubscribes are more important than you might think. With all the efforts email marketers put forth to overcome barriers to landing an email in someone’s inbox and, more importantly, getting them to open that email, the...
Understanding the Impact of Open Rates and Subject Lines on Email Marketing
Two elements that are crucial for successful email marketing campaigns are subject lines and open rates. It’s a horrible feeling to put hours of work into an email only to see terribly low open rates. Strong subject lines get you in the inbox and entice users to open...
Understanding Email Deliverability, Inbox Rates and Bounce Rates
Email marketers use terms to describe what happens to an email after it is sent. While each one of these terms is different, they are all part of the same email success rate calculation. Bonus Content: Grab a copy of our Email Marketing Roadmap. Get It Now When you...
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