Email marketing is the perfect means of forging long-lasting relationships and driving revenue long term. But the success of your campaigns directly depends on the quality of your email list. Luckily, building a targeted email list isn’t as hard as it used to be. Here...
Take your marketing to the next level
What is Email Automation and Why Can’t You Do Without It?
If you’re a business owner actively looking to expand your reach, you’ve probably heard about “email automation” and “marketing automation.” But how do they fit into your marketing plan and help you grow your business? Knowing what these buzzwords are could save you...
How to Transform Your Marketing Data Into Action
Do you know how to interpret your email marketing results? If not, you’re not alone. Forty-nine percent of small business owners say they aren’t sure where to start when interpreting marketing data, and another 40 percent say they don’t have enough time. But taking...
The Real Estate Agent’s Guide to Email Marketing Compliance + CAN-SPAM
Like most things, a solid reputation is essential to success in email marketing. And it’s not just what your clients think of you; it’s a calculation based on email deliverability and the strength of your contact list. Here's what you need to know about email...
It’s Not Me, It’s You: 4 Reasons People Unsubscribe From Your Email List
There’s a certain sense of satisfaction that comes with crafting a great email. Unfortunately, even the most powerful email marketing campaign will be meaningless if no one reads it. If your email open rates are down, there’s probably a reason. Spam filters are the...
7 Winning Design Tips for Email Newsletters
Email newsletters are a great way to strengthen connections within your existing customer base. Reaching out on a regular basis will not only increase your chances of staying top of mind, but also allow you to establish credibility as an industry thought leader. Not...
Does Your Business Really Need an Email Newsletter? 5 Reasons It Does
If you think email marketing is no longer necessary, think again. There’s a reason why marketers consider email the single most effective tactic for improving awareness, acquisition, conversion and retention. In fact, there are multiple reasons! Here, we’ve listed...
Get Personal With Your Email Marketing (5 Tips)
These days, personalization isn’t an option, it’s a marketing necessity. If your email content isn’t tailored to the wants, needs, and interests of your audience, you’re going to get lost in the shuffle. Bonus Content: Get a copy of our Marketing Survival Kit. Get...
Spring Clean Your Contact List: Why Clean Data Trumps Purchased Leads Every Time
When it comes to marketing, data is everything. Ninety-nine percent of organizations consider data essential to their marketing success. So why not spend a little time cleaning up your existing contact list to make sure you're getting the most out of it? Many business...
Woah, how did you do that? Cool email trends for 2017
Let’s be honest: email is a dinosaur. It’s been around for decades, far longer than social media, and was even in use before the invention of the World Wide Web or the popularization of the PC. But despite its long history, email remains a staple channel for both...
Top Performing Email Subject Lines for Small Businesses
We send a lot of emails on behalf of our customers … 102,500,000 last year to be exact. We’ve found that there’s a symbiotic relationship between email subject lines, open rates and increased sales. Email opens are key to gaining more business and carefully crafted...
5 Most Engaging Email Subject Lines for Mortgage Loan Officers
There's a symbiotic relationship between email subject lines, open rates, and increased sales. Email opens are key to gaining more business and carefully crafted subject lines are essential for better email open rates. But many loan officers don't give this much...
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