If you're a criminal defense attorney, staying in front of past clients is the best way to increase referrals. But figuring out an email marketing strategy can be quite time-consuming. If you want to increase email open rates, you’ll need to focus on writing stronger...
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Turn Business Cards Into Opportunities With OutboundEngine
This is a story about a box full of business cards and how those cards (pictured below) went from collecting dust to generating leads for one OutboundEngine customer. There’s little we won’t do to put a smile on a customer’s face. Our Customer Success team is beyond...
5 Steps to Increase Referrals for Criminal Defense Lawyers
How well do you stand out from the crowd of criminal defense lawyers out there? Unless you’ve got an unlimited budget for marketing and a name that shows up on page one of Google, chances are there’s no true differentiation between you and the guy down the street or...
Email Newsletters: The Best Referral-Driving Marketing Idea for Lawyers
We get it. When looking at marketing ideas for lawyers online, email newsletters aren’t the sexiest sounding avenue to choose. Most attornies we’ve talked to are heavily invested in SEO, paying for leads of varying quality through Avvo or FindLaw, and spending too...
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