Content marketing is an important piece of any business’ marketing strategy. The best way to win over and retain customers is not to inundate them with sales pitches and discount offers; as a population we’re presented with so many of those we’ve learned to tune them...
Take your marketing to the next level
4 Secrets to Finding Inspiration, Motivating Yourself to Write and Making it Meaningful
Some people don’t think they’re “creative,” or that they can’t write. But I believe that the average person can be and do both of those things, especially when they care about the subject they’re communicating about. No matter what you’re writing – an email...
13 Steps for Writing and Editing Your Own Work
You know you need to send out regular communications to your clients so you’ll stay top of mind with them, and you’ve decided it’s time. You’re going to start sending out a regular email newsletter. Then, you’ll post the same content on your website and share it with...
5 Content Marketing Mistakes (and Why They Hurt Your Business)
Content marketing mistakes can be detrimental to your business' overall marketing strategy. Without proper planning and execution, a poor content marketing strategy can take a lot of time for very little return. A solid content marketing strategy utilizes multiple...
A Lesson in Small Business Lead Nurturing Through Content Marketing
We work with a variety of industries and have learned that small business lead nurturing is sometimes a very unfamiliar concept. A lot of small business owners we work with have a few hundred email contacts in their database and some of them might be buying lists of...
What Have You Done For Me Lately? Why Good Customer Engagement Builds Relationships
Aside from being an awesome Janet Jackson song of the late ‘80s, “What have you done for me lately?” may be what your customers are asking when they see yet another "industry statistics" newsletter in their email. Good customer engagement helps to build and strengthen...
Small Business Content Marketing Is Tough!
But It Keeps You Top-of-Mind with Customers So you’re a small business owner and pay a monthly fee to a DIY email newsletter service. That’s great! You're smart and realize that staying top-of-mind with your clients and prospects is the key to repeat business. Now...
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