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10 Business Tasks to Knock Out From Your Phone

Erin Myers
April 11, 2021
Business Tasks to Knock Out From Your Phone 3
Think back to a time when browsing the internet from your phone was unheard of. It’s hard to imagine, right? Especially in a time when a whopping 90 percent of the world’s internet users access the web through a mobile device.

On the homefront, 85 percent of Americans now own a smartphone and are likely to be found scrolling through Instagram at the dentist office or perusing the news in the checkout line.

So what does this mean for you as a business owner, besides reinforcing the importance of making sure your website is mobile friendly? In the wise words that existed before you could retweet them: “If you can’t beat them, join them (and do it better).”

You’re always on the go, so why not use your smartphone effectively when you find yourself with a bit of downtime? These moments add up throughout the day and could be the perfect opportunity to use your phone to market or build your business. With this in mind, here are 10 business tasks to knock out from your phone, regardless of where you are.

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1. Streamline Your Email.

Out grabbing a quick lunch alone? Up your smartphone productivity by tackling your ever-growing inbox. You can streamline the process by replying to easy emails on your phone and saving ones that need a more detailed response in a designated folder for when you’re back at your desk.

2. Follow Up With a Customer.

Similarly, create a mobile database of the customers that prefer to be contacted through email, social media or text. That way, the next time you’re waiting in line at the post office, you can tackle this list and make follow-ups from your phone.

3. Take Notes in Meetings With Evernote.

Bringing your phone into a meeting may seem like a distraction, but not if you’re using it effectively. With apps like Evernote that sync across all devices, taking notes on your smartphone is a great way to stay organized, remember the details and build stronger client relationships. And let the group know you aren’t texting, but taking notes that you’d be happy to share once you break.

4. Brainstorm Business Ideas.

Some of the best ideas happen when you’re on the move. Luckily, recording your inspiration whenever creativity strikes is easier than ever. Jot down your ideas with a text editor or visualize them with a mind mapping app. MindManager is a great resource for not only fleshing out your new business ideas but also brainstorming with other team members.

5. Post on Facebook.

Facebook remains the #1 most popular social network and is found on the home screen of 46% of users. By providing relevant content, staying active on your business page will maintain interest in your brand and will also keep you top of mind. The best part? You can do it all while waiting to pick up your kids from school or for your name to be called at the DMV.


6. Write a Blog.

Knock out those long hours on a flight by writing a blog post for your website. With mobile options for platforms like Wordpress and Google Docs, you’ll be able to leave your laptop in your bag and take full advantage of your opposable thumbs.

7. Curate Your Instagram Feed.

A good business account should have a unified look. Creating consistency with your visuals and captions will help build your brand image and show people that you’re an expert in your field. Check out apps like UNUM and Mosaico that allow you to preview and edit your feed before it goes live: a perfect activity paired with your morning cup of coffee.

8. Feature Video Testimonials.

Speaking of coffee, if you’re out meeting with a happy client, why not double down and ask if you can share their story? Use your phone to capture video and images of client testimonials, and share them to your website and social media accounts.

9. Capture Real-Time Events.

Additionally, if your business is holding a special event, like a seminar or conference, take advantage of the fact that your phone is the perfect real-time marketing tool. Post short clips of the event on Snapchat and LinkedIn, or go live for the main event and broadcast on Facebook Live or Instagram Live.

10. Quickly Connect on LinkedIn.

While you might raise an eyebrow if you add someone on Facebook hours after briefly meeting them, LinkedIn is a different story. Go ahead and shoot a professional “great meeting you, let’s connect” request after meeting at a conference. The sooner you contact them, the more likely they’ll remember you.


Today, the question isn’t if you’re on your phone, it’s what you’re doing when you’re on it. As a professional in a fast-paced society, it makes perfect sense to optimize your day by using your phone wisely. If you look for little opportunities to take make the best use of your downtime throughout the day, you’ll find the right tools to grow your business in the process.


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